Thursday, November 30, 2006

二樓五仔記事簿/秋19 (釜山雙年展作品)



有一個晚上我睡在自己的床上,呆呆地望著天花板,甚麼也沒有想,只是隱約聽到自己的呼吸聲,忽然問自己:「要用多少時間才可以呼吸完整間房的空氣?」這就是創作這件作品的緣由。後來有機會在韓國釜山雙年展把這個想法做出來,我在釜山租了一間屋(體積6.7m x 2.7m x 2.2m,和香港的屋一樣細!),我住在這裡照常作息,但我用透明膠袋把我呼吸的空氣都儲存下來,直至這些儲有我空氣的膠袋填滿了整間屋為止,過程一共用了十天的時間。感覺就像我一部份的生命寄居在這間屋似的。請到這裡觀看,十天呼吸一間屋的過程:

Breathing in a House (Busan, Korea)

I live in a small house,
Until I use up all the air in the whole house.

Hong Kong artist Pak Sheung Chuen’s installation is the outcome of his stay in an average two person flat in Busan. The artist lived in the small apartment for as long as he took to collect the air that fills this place. Breathing air into transparent plastic bags he left the place when all of them filled up the space. The work is a performative investigation into the everyday living situation of the place of the Biennial as well as a sculpturally investigation into the air-space which is defined as the negative space of the place.

Special thanks to Kam Lai Wan, Kim Hyun Jeung, Chun Kyeong Nam, Berger Tobias, Busan Biennale 2006