Wednesday, November 14, 2012

2012 CCAA-最佳藝術家獎:白雙全/相關報導

相關報導/Media reports:

「我們發現中國當代藝術正與‘藝術必須商品化,必須玩世不恭或充滿諷刺’此類立場漸行漸遠。」泰特美術館館長Chris對當下中國的藝術狀態總結的頗為到位......(HI 藝術)

"[Pak Sheung Chuen's] art is almost invisible, almost impossible to document, but manages to explore the human condition in all its complexities and with loving precision," said Nittve, director of the M+ museum in Hong Kong. "He produces work that, against all odds, is recognizable as art......" (BLOUIN ARTINFO)



“The jury’s selection took into account what it sees as a shift in Chinese contemporary art away from commodification and cynical detatchment towards more humanist, conscientious examinations of relevant social issues……The selection of these three artists may signal a new interest in Chinese media, performance and conceptual art over the typically sought after paintings by established cynical realists…” (AAP)

2012-11-7 Randian: “Winners of 2012 Chinese Contemporary Art Award [CCAA] Announced”
2012-11-8 Press Release: “Contemporary Chinese Art Awards (CCAA) 2012”
2012-11-8 HI 藝術大公報:《耿建翌、白雙全、鄢醒獲CCAA大獎》
2012-11-8 新聞稿:《2012 CCAA中國當代藝術獎(CCAA) 2012》
2012-11-8 新京報:《白雙全獲中國當代藝術獎最佳藝術家獎》
2011-11-8 看網:《CCAA中國當代藝術獎耿建翌、白雙全、鄢醒獲獎》(現場視頻)
2012-11-10 羊城晚報:《2012年度中國當代藝術獎揭曉(組圖)》
2012-11-10 BLOUIN ARTINFO: “Pak Sheung Chuen Wins Best Artist at the 2012 Chinese Contemporary Art Awards”
2012-11-15 AAP: "Winners Announced at the 2012 CCAA"

關於CCAA 2012最佳藝術獎